Sunday, November 12, 2006

Christmas Picture Day

Taking the Halpin Family Christmas picture is always an adventure. Just try to get six squirmy kids, three years old and younger (who all need naps badly!), to cooperate and look in the same direction. We just pray we got one good shot out of the bunch! Here is a picture of my handsome men before anyone got too crabby. A smile was a little too much to ask for.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Operation Big Boy Bed: Day 5

Day 4 was a repeat of Days 1-3. The only variation was that we said a prayer together after our story that Jesus would help O to love his Big Boy Bed, to adjust quickly and to sleep soundly. Once again, he ended up in his crib after 45 minutes of screaming with me laying there beside him.

This picture was taken 30 minutes ago! SUCCESS!! We read, prayed, and I laid beside him until he drifted sweetly off to sleep. No tears. No screaming. I am listening with bated breath for him to wake up, hoping he will not be terrified that he is not in his crib. My precious Owie...So big.

A Little 'Gator says "Hello!"

Pancake Tradition

Every Saturday morning growing up, my Dad and I would make our special pancake recipe. Owie and I decided to carry the tradition on to the next generation. We had a great time, and it brought back so many fond memories! I look forward to many more pancake mornings with my Boys!
O is a very zealous stirrer!
Evidently the inside of a pancake is the very tastiest part!

This is Owen signing for "more" pancakes, even though he has a whole stack in front of him. They were a hit!

Operation Big Boy Bed: Day 3

Day 2 was a repeat of Day 1, except Mom did the resting. We will not be discouraged. Charge onward to Day 3!
We started out so well: a good story, Lovey, Baby, pacis galore. This is going to be just fine...
Or not.

This is us not napping.

Shortly after this photo, I attempted to make my break for it (He was fully relaxed, deep breathing and all!). Screaming and escaping the bed followed. What are we going to do with you, Owie?

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Has anybody seen the O?

It was way too quiet in the House of Halpin. This is where I found Owen!

Operation Big Boy Bed: Day 1

We are attempting to transition O to his Big Boy Bed before Baby Brother arrives. It is not going well. Here is documentation of our first try, this past Sunday. It is appropriate that this picture is all blurry and out of focus since I think all three of us felt a bit blurry and out of focus ourselves. The only one who did any resting was Dad.