Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Adventure at the Ft. Worth Zoo

This past weekend, the whole Halpin clan (minus Uncle Joel), packed up for a day at the Ft. Worth Zoo. It was a gorgeous day, and a fabulous time was had by all!

All six cousins. It's quite a feat to get them to all sit still in one place long enough to take a picture!
back row:Maddie, Clayton
front row: Ally, Baby Oliver, Owen, Mia

Owen loves on Baby Oliver. He's learning how to "be soft."

Jeremy and Clayton feed the birds. Notice Clayton's look of absolute terror!


The Beautiful Cagle Family said...

I love his facial expressions, he is so cute!

Angela said...

You are really beautiful in person, but you are also photogenic. I love the learning to "be soft" photograph. Danijela was banging Reece on the head & we tried to teach her to be soft. She then patted the fireplace!