Saturday, December 25, 2010

Rise & Shine! It's Christmas!

Christmas morning...such a special time! We started off singing Happy Birthday to Jesus, and then the Boys (rather tentatively) dug into their stockings. Set out with their stockings, they each got a Leapster Explorer and a plastic sled, in hopes of a snow storm later in the winter.

A hug? Or a wrestling move? Sometimes it's hard to tell around here. These Guys really do love each other. This pic was taken right after they exchanged their gifts to each other, which is a post of its own.

Things I especially want to remember about this Christmas:

Sweet Nosy. His very favorite gift was a box full of very low carb gumballs. He put them, along with his sugar free mints, in a big ziplock bag that he carries around the house. The joy of it all is that he can chew his gum or suck on a mint pretty much any time he wants, since they are such low carb. So much freedom for a little boy who is used to counting and reporting every single bite that goes in his mouth. The most precious part? He is completely generous with his special stash, passing out gum and mints freely all day long. Pictured, he is eating his favorite blue gumball while sharing my favorite red one with me.

What a joy it was to give gifts to O this year! Every tiny thing he opened was rejoiced over, examined from all angles, and loudly declared to be the BEST GIFT EVER! His excitement and appreciation were genuine and followed up with huge bear hugs. His very favorite gift? His red plastic sled that cost a whopping five dollars. It's so funny to me to see what little guys value the most. This Guy is really praying for a snowy winter!

One more story about Nose:

Every. single. time a box was opened, he would hover over the gift recipient, saying over and over again, "It's not just a box. There is something inside. It's not just a box. Is it just a box, Mommy? It's not just a box." So funny, that one!

Jonesy woke up about 15 minutes before we were to make our first Christmas appearance, so he didn't even get to open his gifts Christmas morning. He wasn't too sad, though. Love those baby blue eyes of his!

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